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2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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获取更多博天堂官方提供的机会的信息, 请参阅本目录中的教育与社区创新学院部分.


Teaching, leading, and learning in a democratic society.

相信学校作为社会和政治实体以及个人成长的功能, 教育和社区创新学院培养教师和领导者,以提高学生的学术和个人潜力, b)评估教育政策和实践的社会和伦理影响.

教育与社区创新学院重视专业知识来指导我们的实践, equity to guide our interactions, liberal education to guide our perspectives, 以及社会责任来指导我们对民主教育的承诺. We value these ideals in our preparation of candidates, our development of faculty, and our relationships with the larger community we serve.

The reading/language arts program leading to the M.Ed. 学位为中小学教师提供了一种欣赏, theory, 以及教授阅读和语言艺术各个领域所需的实用技能. 该项目对K-12的课堂教师很有帮助,他们希望扩大自己在语言艺术课程中与学生合作的能力,也对其他支持学生读写能力的专业人士很有帮助.

该项目由专业项目协会:国际扫盲协会(ILA)在全国范围内认可。, Michigan Department of Education

Minimum Number of Hours in Program
所有攻读阅读/语言艺术硕士课程的学生都需要至少修满33个学分. 如果候选人正在寻求K-12阅读专家的认可, 他们必须完成36个学分的阅读专业课程.

Program Location
The program is offered fully online.

Requirements for the M.Ed., Reading/Language Arts

Requirements for the M.Ed., Reading/Language Arts with Elementary Endorsement

The M.Ed. 在阅读/语言艺术与基础阅读背书是一个33至36学分的课程,导致在K-8学校水平的国家阅读背书. 它是为希望在阅读教学中发展专业知识的课堂教师设计的. 小学阅读教师背书只可附于小学教师证书.

Each candidate for the M.Ed. 具有初级阅读背书的学位必须完成以下内容:

Social Foundations of Education (3 credits):

Choose one:

Research and Evaluation (3 credits):

Emphasis Area (18 credits):

Elective (3 credits):

Advisor approved EDI, EDR, EDS.

Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 credits):

Capstone (3 or 6 credits):

Choose one:

学生应在课程开始时与他们的指导老师会面,签署计划课程并绘制课程作业. Additionally, 学生应该在整个课程中与他们的导师沟通,以决定一个顶点,并讨论完成计划. Subject to department approval, 顶点课程可修读一至三个学分不等的课程(EDR 693) or one to six credits (EDR 695) and require continuous enrollment each semester until completed.

Applications are required for fieldwork courses (EDR 626, EDR 632, and EDR 685) and Capstone courses (EDR 693 and EDR 695). Suggested application deadlines: February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester. 添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 G.P.A.

Requirements for the M.Ed. - Reading/Language Arts with Secondary Endorsement

The M.Ed. 在阅读/语言艺术与二级阅读背书是一个33至36学分的课程,导致中学水平的国家阅读认证(6-12)。. 它是为希望在阅读教学中发展专业知识的课堂教师设计的. 二级阅读教师背书只能加在二级教师证书上.

Each candidate for the M.Ed. 学位与二级阅读背书必须完成以下内容:

Social Foundations of Education (3 credits):

Choose one:

Research and Evaluation (3 credits):

Emphasis Area (18 credits):

Elective (3 credits):

  • Advisor approved EDR, EDI, EDS

Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 credits):

Capstone (3 or 6 credits):

Choose one:

学生应该在课程中途与他们的导师会面,决定一个顶点,并讨论完成计划. Subject to department approval, 顶点课程可修读一至三个学分不等的课程(EDR 693) or one to six credits (EDR 695) and require continuous enrollment each semester until completed.

Applications are required for fieldwork courses (EDR 626, EDR 632, and EDR 685) and Capstone courses (EDR 693 and EDR 695). Suggested application deadlines: February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester. 添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 G.P.A.

Requirements for Reading Specialist Endorsement, K-12

阅读专家认证是一个36到39学时的项目,最终会被国家认可为K-12阅读专家. 本证书专为有意管理及督导学校或地区阅读/语文艺术课程的人士而设,持有人可获聘为学校阅读顾问/识字教练, to teach in special remedial or developmental programs, and to teach reading as a special subject. 阅读专家背书可以添加到小学或中学教学证书. 国家要求具有阅读硕士学位.

Social Foundations of Education (3 credits):

Choose one:

Research and Evaluation (3 credits):


Choose one:

Emphasis Area (21 credits):

Choose one:

Choose one:

Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (6 credits):

学生应在课程开始时与他们的指导老师会面,签署计划课程并绘制课程作业. Additionally, 学生应该在整个课程中与他们的导师沟通,以决定一个顶点,并讨论完成计划. Subject to department approval, 顶点课程可修读一至三个学分不等的课程(EDR 693) or one to six credits (EDR 695) and require continuous enrollment each semester until completed.

Applications are required for fieldwork courses (EDR 626, EDR 632, EDR 685, EDR 687, and EDR 689) and Capstone courses (EDR 693 and EDR 695). Suggested application deadlines: February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester. 添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 G.P.A.

Requirements for Elementary Reading Teacher Endorsement, K-8

基础阅读背书是一个21学时的项目,可以获得K-8学校水平的国家阅读认证. 它是为希望在阅读教学中发展专业知识的课堂教师设计的. 初级阅读背书只能加在初级教师证书上.

Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 credits):

Students must apply in advance for fieldwork courses (EDR 626, EDR 632, and EDR 685). Advisor approval is required. Suggested application deadlines: February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester. 添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 G.P.A.

Requirements for Secondary Reading Teacher Endorsement, 6-12

二级阅读背书是一个21学时的项目,旨在获得中学水平(6-12年级)的国家阅读认证。. 它是为希望在阅读教学中发展专业知识的课堂教师设计的. 二级阅读背书只能加在二级教师证书上.

Emphasis Area (21 credits):

Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 credits):

Students must apply in advance for fieldwork courses (EDR 626, EDR 632, and EDR 685). Advisor approval is required. Suggested application deadlines: February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester.

添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 GPA. 添加新背书的候选人必须通过密歇根学科领域测试并保持3分.0 GPA.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.